Why work with us?
We will not compete with you. Your clients remain your clients.
Inherent Risks provides an opportunity to earn generous commissions while partnering with one of the most reputable and best selling medical evacuation and crisis response products across the re/insurance markets for people and organisations (re)entering Ukraine, and (re)establishing operations.
We offer an unrivalled customer care program, which includes initial fact finding, tailored risk advisory, pre- travel safety briefs, itinerary tracking and optional daily check-ins. In addition, we conduct a post-travel review with all clients' as part of our customer care efforts. And, all Members are given access to 24/7 emergency assistance services, with a company that can respond across Ukraine.
Through our Affiliate Programme, you will be provided with a unique Affiliate Link to send to your clients.
As an Affiliate Partner you can benefit from:
* except citizens of Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Russia and Belarus who also reside in any of these countries.
Register your interest as an Affiliate
It is a very quick and easy process to apply:
For anyone who clicks your Affiliate link, the cookies will be saved in their system for 30-days. If they purchase membership, a referral fee of 7.5% will be paid to you, and it will be listed in our system automatically. If they repurchase on future dates, the referral will automatically be linked to your company. Referral fees are paid to you the following month after the trip has been completed.
Please complete the form below to apply.